What To Expect

Downstairs Entrance


We have two parking areas on the church property. The upper lot will lead to the sanctuary entrance and includes an ADA compliant handicap ramp. The lower lot leads into the downstairs fellowship hall, which includes Sunday School rooms. Feel free to park and make your way inside!

Downstairs Sanctuary

Order of Service

Sunday Morning (10am ET)

  1. Welcome

  2. Sunday School

  3. Worship

  4. The Message

  5. Offering Declaration and Tithes

  6. Childrens Missions March

  7. Announcements

  8. Dismissal

Wednesday Evening (7pm ET)

  1. Welcome

  2. Prayer Requests

  3. Praise/Worship

  4. The Message

  5. Announcements

  6. Dismissal

*Subject to change based on the leading of the Holy Spirit!



We believe that congregants should have the freedom to worship God freely. We know that looks and sounds different to each individual. We have a blended worship approach, embracing both traditional and contemporary music and songs of worship. The HMC Praise and Worship team is dynamic, humble, and Spirit-led.